Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Due date

This is the week Wesley was to be born.  Amazing this beautiful healthy boy has been here over 3 months and he wasn't supposed to make an appearance until now.  Questions come to mind are 1) if he were born today, would he have been put up for adoption? 2) would his birth parents still have picked us or would another had already come along? 3) would my bond to him be as strong if I hadn't known him for so long? And there are many more.
I guess some shirts do lie bc he is not loud... Yet! He really is a good baby.  He has some tummy issues which make him fuss but I don't blame him.  It makes me feel so bad for him. 
Neither of us want to put him down... We are so smitten by this little man! He makes the most precious sounds and I could just listen to him all day.
Well it's time for the 9pm bottle then a bath. Nite all!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Motherhood... Pure bliss!

Well it's been almost 3 weeks of bliss! I never thought I would enjoy a little one so much. 
He is a great baby.  Sleeps at night and we wake him to eat, hardly fusses and when he does it's because his tummy hurts.  The dogs all are good with him and Pixel loves him.  She was the one I was worried the most about bc she usually chases children and latches on to their pants as they are running away.
Wesley makes the most adorable sounds.  I don't know if it is a coo or humming but he does it a lot before he sleeps.  I have read that cooing comes later in development so I'm not sure.  It's hard to predict when certain milestones will happen with him since he is a micro preemie.  I'm ready for him to be able to hold his head up and hold a bottle but I prob have a few months before then.  We had a newborn photoshoot with a professional newborn photographer and we are waiting for the images.  The sneak peak was this one: 
I am so anxious to see the rest!

We had out own mini photo shoot at home too and got some classic poses done: 
I can't get over how adorable and perfect he is.  We are so blessed to be chosen for this precious man!
As I'm writing this he is laying in my lap just smiling away.  I often wonder what makes him smile.  They used to say it was gas but that has been proven to be false.  He is a pretty bad stinker though lol.
Wesley's eyes were rechecked a week after we were home and they are improving.  We go again in a week to see if all resolved.  
I bought a used baby swing from the consignment shop and he loves it.  I just love to see a big grin on his face as he swings!
Tonight he was being extra adorable making faces while I was holding him: 
And pixel was licking his head extra clean:
Sorry to those that missed the blog.  I will try to write more often again on the wonderful adventures of Wesley Wise!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Prayers answered

Wesley's eye exam showed he went from stage 3 back to stage 2 thank God.  The eye dr himself said his recheck could be outpatient.  The dr said if all is well tonight and in morning then he can go home tomorrow.  So far tonight he has had no issue.
The shirt doesn't lie!
Hopefully tomorrow will be pictures of him home!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Prayers for Wesley!

I will be praying hard tonight for Wesley.  I'm so worried he will need surgery and I hate for him to have to I through that.  I pray his eyes have improved and he can go home tomorrow or Tuesday.  Please God heal his eyes and keep him healthy.  Thank you for this beautiful miracle!
My finger is worse but went to quick care for antibiotics.  I will be on the mend soon.  Joe and I were paranoid about touching things there and made sure to use sanitizer often until we escaped the place.  Can't risk getting sick with me

Saturday, July 19, 2014

This will be short

Wesley is great as always.... But this will be short.  I had a cat knaw on my index finger and wouldn't let go so it hurts to write this.  I gave Wesley his bottle tonight and he passed out ;)
Peaceful baby 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Prayers for improvement on Monday

Wesley is just perfect... To be born at 25 weeks and be as perfect as he is, we are very blessed. I hope we continue to be blessed on Monday when they recheck his eyes.
Say WHAT?!
Chubby man!
Daddy shaded his eyes with his hat :)
Still happy!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Good news on insurance front... Wesley will keep his Medicaid as secondary insurance.  His recheck is still Monday so they have to redo his car seat test on Sunday as it's only good for 7 days.  All else is good.  Just a waiting game.
Hmm how can I get out of this place?